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Retail Rise up program

URGENT ACTION REQUIRED: The Washington State Office of Public Instruction (OSPI) is considering adding the RISE Up program and an Industry Recognized Certification to the High School CTE program for Business and Marketing. We need your help to make this happen. Please take a moment and complete the attached form. All you need to do is add your business name and contact information and email the form to OSPI.

Download the form here. This form must be submitted to OSPI by October 1st

The RISE Up program from the National Retail Federation (NRF) Foundation is a training and credentialing program that provides foundational employability skills to help people land jobs and get promoted in retail and beyond. The NRF Foundation’s RISE Up program provides foundational employability skills to help people land jobs and get promoted in retail and beyond. With RISE Up, participants can learn how to create a resume, interview well, and more. 

RISE Up was developed by retailers to offer the best upskilling training for students, entry-level works, and frontline incumbent retail workers. RISE Up is an online training platform that offers courses to help students, entry-level workers, and frontline incumbent retail employees upskill and learn new skills. The courses cover topics such as customer service, product knowledge, and financial literacy. Retail employees should be upskilled in order to keep up with the changing retail landscape. Frontline employees should learn about new products and services, customer service skills, and financial literacy. Entry-level workers should learn about customer service and product knowledge.

Retail is a pathway to many different career choices and it is the place many young people get their first start. As an employer you can increase the skill level of your staff and provide a better customer experience for your customers. Check out some of the resources below.

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