Do you suffer from writer’s block?

Best selling authors are not the only ones that may suffer from writers block. When it comes to business writing or blogging, most of us suffer from “Starters block”. We don’t even know where to begin. The truth is we no more about our product or service than anybody else. We know more than most people could even imagine. I once interviewed a BBQ smoking master and he was rattling off stuff on temperatures, wood types and drafts. I had no smoking could be so complicated.

When it comes to talking (or writing) about your business, YOU ARE THE EXPERT! I bet you never thought of yourself as a copywriter, but in reality, you are. In order to get the word out about your product or service you need to tell your story and show your expertise.

Here is a great resource outlining 10 copywriting tips to help you get started on writing good content about your business. It is a quick read, but it may help get you our of the “Starting Blocks”.